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Weight Loss & Body Contouring System

About invisa-RED Laser Weight Loss

invisa-RED is the only non-invasive, FDA cleared device with clinically and scientifically proven outcomes for Weight Reduction, Fat Reduction, and Inch Loss.

  • Weight Loss
  • Fat Reduction
  • Cellulite reduction and skin tightening
  • Skin cell repair and rejuvenation
  • Stretch mark fading
invisa-RED has a 95% Correction Rate (50,000+ successful invisa-RED patients)

Limited Time Deal:
$29 First Treatment
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SPECIAL OFFER: Your first treatment is $29
Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch to verify availability
and book your appointment. 
Your first treatment includes: 
Laser session, Whole-body composition analysis, Weight loss assessment, Personalized strategy session, Whole body vibration therapy.

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How it Works:

  • Natural, safe, laser light energy is pulsed and absorbed by the subcutaneous tissue
  • Supercharges the body’s metabolism through ATP synthesis to burn fat as energy.
  • The lymphatic system transports the fat through the body’s natural metabolic functions and synthesis of ATP, (adenosine triphosphate).
  • Once the contents of the fat cells, (triglycerides, water, glycerol), are released via sweat, urine and respiratory exhaustion, the cell becomes smaller.
  • Collagen and elastin production is increased within the skin layers to rejuvenate and repair skin cells addressing cellulite, skin laxity and stretch-marks.
Invisa RED technology

How many treatments do I need?

Patients will start their program by focusing on losing their first 8 to 10 pounds of body fat which is usually around twelve treatments. If the patient needs to lose more than 10 pounds of fat they will continue treatments until their goal is reached. Approximately three treatments per week is recommended for optimal results. Treatment session needs vary from patient to patient.

Will there be any downtime?

No. The treatments are non-surgical and non-evasive. Studies show the effectiveness of our technology in weight reduction without any of the side effects of invasive procedures or adverse reactions.

Keys to Success

Clinical Trials

The keys to achieve the best health outcomes will include fat loss but our mission goes beyond that. We will help you on the best foods to eat, how to stay hydrated, and the nutrition that will support this process.

Results vary by patient, and successful patients attend all of their sessions, stay hydrated throughout the process, and consistently use the program provided supplements. 

They also consistently comply with the Weight Loss RVA anti-inflammatory diet within reduction or maintenance phases.

  • FDA, IRB (NCT03811093)
  • Type: Double-blind, Randomized
  • Number of Treatments: 9
  • Diet / Exercise: NONE
  • Confidence Interval: 95%
  • P-value: <0.01%
  • Adverse Reactions: 0

Statistically Significantly Outcome Measures

  • Body Fat % Lost: 1.75% avg.
  • Pounds of Body Fat Lost: 4.53 lbs (1/2 lbs per Treatment)
  • Inches Lost: 10.16 inches avg.
Invisa RED seal IMAGE
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